Frequently asked questions

The fares displayed are provided by the hotel partner services and do not include any additional fees payable for using our online services. As such, you are assured of the lowest and best deals as applicable at the time of booking.

You may change your hotel reservation details. However, certain charges as per the hotel policies might be applicable.

Yes, you can call us on +968 9946 4041

Yes. We highly recommend travel protection, it’s important to protect your trip investment and loved ones. We will offer you the best option for your vacation.

No, it does not cost money to get a quote from Alwan Travel & Tourism. Simply fill out our online form or give us a call, and one of our travel agents will be happy to provide you with a free quote for your trip. We look forward to helping you plan the perfect vacation!

Payment will be made thourgh bank transfer or we can send the customized online link to pay via private services we offer to our guests.

Yes! We’ll work with you to select the most appropriate accommodation and transportation choices for your needs.

Yes, we book group travel all the time! We specialize in helping groups of all sizes plan their dream trips. From family reunions to corporate retreats, we can take care of all the details so you can relax and enjoy your time away.
Alwan Travel Tourism

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